
Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I dealt with my candy issue today. When I got to work, I told Vesna that I was not allowed to have candy and I moved the bowl up front, where I could not grab a piece in secret (Thanks Val!!). She then moved it back to the back, I guess she didn't understand what I meant. So, I picked it back up and said "no, really. I can't have any candy". Then when other people came in, I told them too. It was very successful, I didn't even have one piece and I didn't want any either.

Today was really busy, I was on my feet most of the day and I wasn't too hungry. I didn't even get to eat lunch until I got off work at 3:00pm.

I at a LC for dinner and just got back from my walk. My legs are still throbbing. Darryl and I finally decided that we are going to start martial arts classes right down the street. We will go when we lose more weight. I hope a certain someone will come too. : )

I can't wait to get on the scale!!! I want to do it tomorrow just to see... But I won't weigh in until at least Saturday.



Spillin' the truth said...

OMG... candy victory. I am so proud of you.

I would love to come... if I can afford it :-/

I would love to take a cheap adult (as in for adults not "adult" as in tawdry)hip hop/pop booty shakin' dance class. Something tells me we couldn't convince Darryl to come. Well maybe to watch?? LOL

I did awesome today... will post in a minute.

Dale said...

Wow - way to stand your ground on the candy dish... Its amazing how many people don't understand the battle we face daily with food. Keep up the great work!

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I am 28 and ready to finally lose weight for good.